Why Go Bespoke? The Catch 22 of Catch-All Software

It’s no secret that businesses have to differentiate in order to compete - especially businesses in the same market. But how exactly do you stand out from the crowd? 

One important way to differentiate is through the use of software. Think of it this way - if three companies are all using the same catch-all program to provide their services to clients, what actually sets these companies apart? 

This isn’t to say that one size fits all software is inherently terrible, however. It certainly has its uses - when it comes to accounting or CRM for example. There’s so much readily available software for these tasks that often it’s worth the slight reduction in flexibility, just for the security of a well-oiled machine. Plus, these are processes that often aren’t client facing, and are generally scenarios shared across companies; like payroll, for example.

The difference is when it comes to your actual business operations. Here, catch-all software begins to lose it’s viability. It’s not that catch-all software wouldn’t do the job, necessarily, it’s more the case that it won’t do the job very well. And that’s bad news when it comes to your business operations, as the aim is to foster as big a return on investment as possible.

Why is "bespoke" software any different?

The answer, really, is in the name. "Bespoke" software is software built specifically for your requirements - no more, no less. Which is great for businesses that want control, productivity, reduced costs and automation. These are all things that a bespoke piece of software can bring to the table, as opposed to an off-shelf solution. 

First and foremost, with bespoke software you get exactly what you need. The whole purpose of bespoke software is that it’s tailor-made for your specific requirements. This means no random extra features and only pure, unadulterated ROI. As long as it’s built properly

Not only that, but bespoke software has the possibility to morph and change depending on your business requirements. Features that weren’t needed in the beginning - or at least weren’t thought to have been needed - can easily be implemented and added as you go, rather than having to either jump back to square one or find a costly workaround. In this way, flexibility is the name of the game.

And - with our help - you could be winning with flying colours. Get in touch with our team today to see how we could help automate your business processes and sure-up your software. Get in touch with our team today.

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